To Kill a Mockingbird
February 2017
Directed by Dr. Michael O’Hara
February 2017
Directed by Dr. Michael O’Hara
Jean Louis Finch (Scout)
Atticus Finch
Jeremy (Jem) Finch
Bob Ewell
Tom Robinson
Judge Taylor, Mob
Mayella Violet Ewell
Mr. Gilmer (Prosecutor), Mob
Sheriff Heck Tate, Nathan Radley
Reverend Sykes
Arthur (Boo) Radley
Walter Cunningham, Sr., Link Deas
Charles Baker (Dill) Harris
Miss Maudie Atkinson
Miss Stephanie Crawford
Miss Dubose
Clerk of the Court
Eleanor Cooper
Michael Kleeberg
Timothy Ziuchkovski
Nathan Hart
Michael Sales
Charles Retherford
Aiszah Rangel
Scott McFadden
Larry Beck
Cornelius Dollison
Andrea Cash
Sean Orlosky
Steven Knipp
Henry Cooper
Lisa Etchison
Tracena Marie
Sonja Rees
Bridget Duggleby
Rashad Greenleaf
Hallie Heil
JaJuan Phillips
Tom Steiner