The Producers

February 2016

Directed by Greg Gasman
Musical Direction by Cameron Tragesser

Max Bialystock

Leo Bloom

Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yansen Tallen Hallen Svaden Swanson

Franz Liebkind

Mr. Marks

Carmen Ghia

Roger De Bris

Little Old Ladies



Female Ensemble





Male Ensemble

Ed Conley

Brent Knipper

Luiza Vitucci

Cain M. Bilbrey

Adam Jones

Zachary R. Allen

Todd Terrell

Debby Girtman

Lori Lloyd

Sonja Rees

Lauren Dale, Kimi Eckman, Kelly Figley, Halle Gick, 

Debby Girtman, Taylor Hadsell, Tara Heilwagen, 

Morgan Johnson, Jillian LaDow, Shelley Linder, 

Sarah Martinez, Carrie McKendree, Emily Murdock,

Shelby Myers, Nicole Neely, Samantha Taylor, Tracie Taylor

Connor Beaver, Joshua Brinkman, Jacob Butler,

Kris Eckman, Nick Fatout, Bryan Hamilton,

SteVen Knipp, Larry Rees, Derek Richter

Kaleb Stumbaugh, Parker Willsey

Please note that Muncie Civic Theatre does not endorse the use of the swastika, this show is satirical in nature and (as only Mel Brooks can) completely chastises the Nazi movement to the audience’s delight.