Jesus Christ (Male, 20-35 ) Magnetic presence with great strength and vulnerability. Tenor.
Judas (Male, 20+) Antagonist. Beloved friend of Jesus who is concerned that fame is diluting Jesus’ message and mission. Tenor.
Mary Magdalene (Female, 20-40) A follower of Jesus who is confused about her feelings for him. Mezzo-Soprano.
Peter (Male, 20) Beloved friend of Jesus who denies his association with him. Baritone/Tenor.
Simon Zealotes (Male, age 20-45) Tenor, also dancer- dance audition required.
Caiaphas (Male age 30-65) High Priest who views Jesus as a threat to the nation. Male, Bass.
King Herod (Male, 30-65) King of Galilee, larger than life. Baritone.
Pontius Pilate (Male, 30-65) Governor of Judea, foresees the events leading to Jesus’ crucifixion. Baritone/Tenor.
Annas (Male 20-45) Confidant to Caiaphas. Tenor.
3 Priests (Any gender, 25-65) Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Alto
12 Disciples (Male 20-65) including Judas, Peter, and Simon Zealotes
10-15 Person Vocal Ensemble – Men, Women, and Teens with some movement – some singers may provide only vocal support- No dance audition required
10-12 Person Dance Ensemble (Style – Modern) Men, Women, and Teens. Dance audition required. No singing audition